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Nike also has a growing myth ": the beginning of the achievements of 60 years, the company, a small scale, at any time may collapse. Two grassroots people, Bowerman and Knight have to wear many hats, the company does not have my office and business institutions. nike free 7.0 v2 's global profit of $ 13 million in 1985, the company's global sales in 1994 amounted to as much as $ 4.8 billion; its market share champion, is ranked third in the Adidas company more than tripled for the 24%. French an example of Nike's growth has not slowed down. 1995 and 1994 controls, global sales volume increased by 38%, profit before tax increased by 55%, Nike's share price quickly rose two years ago, $ 43 per share soared to 95 years $ 103 per share. Wall Street investors and differentiation in many people before in 80 years has always been optimistic about the Nike: "Nike does not have a number of a lot number of a lot of the growth of root and vision." At the moment mockery: "God happy loving creation myth, so he select Nike unexpected. " nike free 7.0 dame myth is due to the God-given? Nike CEO Knight replied: "Yes, yes 'consumers God' we exist strange tool - Nike ad with the 'God' dialogue http://www.blogger.com/www.freerunsko.org/

